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Sales New Normal: Re:think; Sales Teams, Leaders, and Culture in the post-COVID era

Author: Hyosang JangAuthor: Seungki Min


COVID-19 has become an infectious disease that has affected humanity as much as the Black Death, changing society, economy, and culture. The era of ‘New Normal’ has arrived, with restrictions on entry and exit, such as communications and exchanges between countries.
COVID-19 has changed society, economy, and culture, with the home becoming the center of the economy and the threat of survival from COVID-19 accelerating cloud transition.
This book aims to help readers understand how sales leaders, teams, and members should change and develop their capabilities when sales are made non-face-to-face.

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Paperback, EBook



Number of pages


Year of Publishing


Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 19277

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COVID-19 has become an infectious disease that has affected humanity as much as the Black Death, changing society, economy, and culture. The era of ‘New Normal’ has arrived, with restrictions on entry and exit, such as communications and exchanges between countries.
COVID-19 has changed society, economy, and culture, with the home becoming the center of the economy and the threat of survival from COVID-19 accelerating cloud transition.
This book aims to help readers understand how sales leaders, teams, and members should change and develop their capabilities when sales are made non-face-to-face.


Chapter 1

Sales New Normal #1

The changes brought by COVID-19

How should sales change during this strategic inflection point? 16

Are you aware of change? 21

A salesperson’s response strategy in the Post-COVID era 23

Everyone's hard-pressed because of COVID-19? Stop hesitating, and try out the formula for success in the post COVID era 25

CASE STUDY [PEPSICO] Diversification of distribution channels 26

CASE STUDY [Audi, Hyundai Motor Company] Online sales through digital consulting  31

CASE STUDY Digital pivoting: BTS, My Real Trip  36

Now, it's time to change our perceptions 40

Chapter 2

Sales New Normal #2

Changes in the way you work

In the New Normal era, how should sales departments’ work change? 46

CASE STORY 1 Salespeople are in danger due to COVID-19 47

Change 1: Switching from offline to digital 49

Change 2: Increased importance of data and information distribution 54

Change 3: Changes in the way salespeople work 61

Change 4: The role and necessary competencies of the sales department 65

[CHECKLIST] Post-COVID era, sales department diagnosis table  73

Chapter 3

Sales New Normal #3

Changes in performance management

In the New Normal era, what is the keyto sales departments' performance management? 76

CASE STORY 2 Errors in performance indicators and goals 77

With the changing environment due to COVID-19, should the sales departments be controlled and managed? 82

Which performance indicators are most suitable to the New Normal era? 85

Solution 1. Abandon your blind belief in measurement indicators. 86

Solution 2. Pivot performance indicators, based on how realistic they are. 89

Solution 3. Change the evaluation and reward system. 92

CASE STUDY [Adobe] Check-in method and process 93

Points of "performance management" sales leaders should think of in the New Normal era 97

Should you control them? Or give them autonomy? 97

Extrinsic motivation vs. Intrinsic motivation 101

Top-down goal-setting vs. Bottom-up goal-setting 107

Mechanical approach vs. pursuing diversity 110

[CHECKLIST] Post-COVID era, sales leader's performance management diagnosis table 113

Chapter 4

Sales New Normal #4

Changes in fostering and coaching

What are the sales leaders' roles and necessary competencies in the New Normal era? 116

CASE STORY 3 New Normal era, 'Leader's thoughts vs. Members' thoughts' 117

Changes in the role of sales leaders: autocratic leadership no longer works 120

Sales leaders’ coaching method: change the theme and style 124

Sales leaders' competence development: keep up with the times 126

In the New Normal era, sales coaching & non-face-to-face communication 130

CASE STORY 4 ‘The telecommuting issue’ in the post-COVID era 130

Sales Leader's Coaching: escape from experience-based habitual thinking 135

Non-face-to-face communication of sales leaders: communicate constantly with team members 141

‘Fostering/coaching’ points that sales leaders should think of in the New Normal era 150

Open learning vs. Enclosed learning 150

Approaches to maximize Productivity vs. Creativity 152

Control the information vs. Share the information 155

Growth mindset vs. Fixed mindset 160

[CHECKLIST] Post-COVID era, sales leader's leadership/coaching and communication diagnosis table 164

Chapter 5

Sales New Normal #5

The operation of a sales department

In the New Normal era, what is the ideal way to operate a sales department? 168

CASE STORY 5 A sales department’s operations and transition of roles 169

Solution 1: Sales department, be an insider 174

Solution 2: Integrate the strategy and execution 182

Solution 3: Reduce the gap and strengthen the power in strategy execution 188

Solution 4: Make the role of sales essential in product development as well 190

An organizational structure matrix organazation that enables the sales department to actively participate in the development and the changes in development method 194

CASE STUDY [Spotify] Spotify’s Matrix organizational structure 195

The ‘Agile Management’ that sales leaders should consider in the New Normal era 204

The background and basic principles of Agile Management 204

Traditional management vs. Agile management 208

The misunderstanding of “horizontal leadership” 210

Agile culture, and culture of the MZ Millennials and Gen Z generation 213

[CHECKLIST] Post-COVID era, organizational operations, and agile

management diagnosis table  216

Chapter 6

Sales New Normal #6

Let’s start for change

In the New Normal era, Requirements for change in the sales departments 220

CASE STORY 6 A sales department’s operations and transition 220

Organizations resist change by nature 222

“Silence is golden(?)” Team members who do not speak up 227

A culture of sharing information and accepting failures 229

Collective/group intelligence over groupthink 232

A culture that only values results? No! A culture that takes process into account? Yes! 234

Now, it's time to strengthen the resilience of the sales department 237

Ultimately, it's a matter of perspective 240